AI Tennis Feed Documentation


This document describes the Abelson Info tennis data feed (version 2.0).

Feed format

The feed is provided in XML format over HTTP.

All attributes that provide a time value - for example generated_at, since or start_time - are given in XML Schema / ISO 8601 format.


Currently access is restricted to the feed by IP address.

URL details

The tennis feed is located at

There are a number of services available which you can use by visiting the appropriate URL:

Path to service Description
/feed/v2/updates Lists all updates made to match information. Poll this service at a regular interval to track live score data, or when you need to be informed of any changes made to match information as soon as possible.
/feed/v2/season_schedule/2009 Lists all tournament scheduled for a particular calendar year. Replace 2009 with the year you are interested in (the current year will be used by default).
/feed/v2/competition_schedule/6367 Lists all matches scheduled for a particular competition. Replace 6367 with the competition ID you are interested in.
/feed/v2/match/258834 Provides data for a specific match. Replace 258835 with the match ID you are interested in.
/feed/v2/match/258834/games Provides data for a specific match, including details of the winner of each game, where known. Replace 258835 with the match ID you are interested in.
/feed/v2/match/258834/preview Provides head to head and recent form statistics for the entrants in a particular match. Replace 258835 with the match ID you are interested in.
/feed/v2/atp_rankings Provides rankings data for players participating in the ATP Tour.
/feed/v2/wta_rankings Provides rankings data for players participating in the WTA Tour.


Updates service

This service lists records which have been updated since a given time. Currently, only changes to match records are shown.

You need to provide a since query parameter to specify the point from which you would like to view changes. If none is specified, a default of 24 hours ago will be used. The since parameter should be in XML schema format. This is the same format used by the updated_at attribute of each update element.

For example: /feed/v2/updates?since=2009-01-05T16:15:35.458781.

Only a limited number of records are returned for each request made, so your application will need to be able to page through the records. To do this, follow these steps:

It's important that you don't omit the fractional seconds component of the since value. This ensures that your application will not attempt to continually page through the same data should a large number of updates be made very quickly.

Results from the updates service will be cached for at least 2 seconds, so it's recommended you don't poll any more frequently than that.

Example XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<abelsoninfo_feed name="Tennis" generated_at="2009-01-09T13:09:30+00:00" version="1.0">
  <updates since="2009-01-06T10:30:37.961639+00:00" total_entries="66">
    <update type="Match" href="/feed/v2/match/264761" updated_at="2009-01-06T11:52:29.280476+00:00"/>
    <update type="Match" href="/feed/v2/match/264834" updated_at="2009-01-06T12:10:14.803849+00:00"/>
    <update type="Match" href="/feed/v2/match/264730" updated_at="2009-01-06T12:11:16.851141+00:00"/>
    <update type="Match" href="/feed/v2/match/264832" updated_at="2009-01-06T12:48:47.925335+00:00"/>
    <update type="Match" href="/feed/v2/match/264837" updated_at="2009-01-06T13:00:56.519599+00:00"/>

When using the actual feed there will be more results returned per request than in the above example.

Season schedule service

This service lists all tournaments and competitions scheduled for a particular calendar year. The current year is used by default if none is specified.

The distinction made by Abelson Info between tournaments and competitions is as follows: Tournaments are individual events, for example "Wimbledon 2009". Competitions are the various competitions within each tournament, for example "Mens Singles" or "Womens Singles".

The id attribute of each competition element can be used to call the competition schedule service (see below) to bring up more details on a particular competition.

Example XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<season year="2009">
  <tournament name="ASB Classic" surface="Hard" id="6786" type="WTA International"
   tournament_class="Auckland" tournament_class_id="314">
    <competition name="Womens Singles" sex="Womens" id="6714"/>
  <tournament name="Brisbane International" surface="Hard" id="6722" type="ATP International Series / WTA Tier I"
   tournament_class="Brisbane" tournament_class_id="315">
    <competition name="Mens Singles" sex="Mens" id="6634"/>
    <competition name="Womens Singles" sex="Womens" id="6635"/>
  <tournament name="Qatar Open" surface="Hard" id="6720" type="ATP World Tour 250"
   tournament_class="Qatar" tournament_class_id="316">
    <competition name="Mens Singles" sex="Mens" id="6632"/>
  <tournament name="Chennai Open" surface="Hard" id="6721" type="ATP World Tour 250"
   tournament_class="Chennai" tournament_class_id="317">
    <competition name="Mens Singles" sex="Mens" id="6633"/>
  <tournament name="Moorilla Hobart International" surface="Hard" id="6787" type="ATP World Tour 250"
   tournament_class="Hobart" tournament_class_id="318">
    <competition name="Mens Singles" sex="Mens" id="6715"/>

Again the actual response from the feed would contain much more data than is shown.

Competition schedule service

This service lists all scheduled matches within a particular competition.

It also groups the matches by the round in which they occur.

The only actual information about each match visible here is the match ID and start time. You will need to use the match service (see below) to retrieve data for a particular match.

Example XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tournament name="Madrid AMS 2008" surface="Hard" id="6486" type="ATP Masters Series"
 tournament_class="Madrid" tournament_class_id="319">
  <competition name="Mens Singles" sex="Mens" id="6391">
    <round number="1" name="1st Round" id="34293">
      <!-- match elements omitted for this example -->
    <round number="2" name="2nd Round" id="34294">
      <!-- match elements omitted for this example -->
    <round number="3" name="3rd Round" id="34295">
      <match start_time="2008-10-16T10:00:00+01:00" id="263122"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-16T13:00:00+01:00" id="263125"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-16T14:30:00+01:00" id="263120"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-16T14:50:00+01:00" id="263123"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-16T16:10:00+01:00" id="263119"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-16T19:10:00+01:00" id="263126"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-16T20:40:00+01:00" id="263121"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-16T12:30:00+01:00" id="263124"/>
    <round number="4" name="Quarter-final" id="34296">
      <match start_time="2008-10-17T13:00:00+01:00" id="263129"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-17T15:00:00+01:00" id="263130"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-17T19:10:00+01:00" id="263127"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-17T21:10:00+01:00" id="263128"/>
    <round number="5" name="Semi-final" id="34297">
      <match start_time="2008-10-18T12:40:00+01:00" id="263132"/>
      <match start_time="2008-10-18T15:00:00+01:00" id="263131"/>
    <round number="6" name="Final" id="34298">
      <match start_time="2008-10-19T15:00:00+01:00" id="263133"/>

Match service

This service provides a full set of data for a particular match, including the live score or the result if the match is in progress or complete.

See the Enumerated attributes section for details on the status attributes of the match element.

The first_entry and second_entry elements will contain either one player element (in the case of singles) or two (for doubles). When no entrant has qualified for a place in a match, no corresponding entry element will appear. For example, before the second semi-final in a competition had been completed, no second_entry element would appear for the final.

The current_server_id attribute of the score element refers to the player ID of the currently serving player. This field will sometimes be empty during a match if no server information is available, or sometimes when a tie break is taking place. It should always be blank when the match is completed.

The winning_entry_id attribute of the score element refers to the entry ID of the winner of the match. This attribute will be blank when the match is not yet complete.

The result_type attribute of the score element indicates the type of result that occurred (see Enumerated attributes). Again this will be blank when the match is not yet complete.

The winning_entry_id attribute of the set element refers to the entry ID of the winner of the set. This attribute will be blank when the set is not yet complete.

The first_entry_tie_break_score and second_entry_tie_break_score attributes of the set element indicate the tie break scores for each entry. These attributes will be blank unless a tie break took place in the set.

The type attribute of the tournament element describes the level of the tournament. See the section below on Tournament Types for a full list of all possible tournament types.

The tournament_class and tournament_class_id attributes within the tournament element provide information which allow you to group together tournaments. For example, the tournaments named "Wimbledon 2010", "Wimbledon 2011", "Wimbledon 2012", etc., will have a tournament_class value of "Wimbledon" and a consistent tournament_class_id value.

Doubles Match Tiebreak

In doubles matches, a "match tiebreak" is sometimes played instead of a deciding set. This is a tiebreak to 10 points.

A match tiebreak is represented as a set with a score of 1 game to nil to the winner of the tiebreak, and the number of points scored in the tiebreak indicated by the first_entry_tie_break_score and second_entry_tie_break_score attributes.

A match tiebreak will only ever occur in the final (3rd or 5th) set of a doubles match.

Example XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<abelsoninfo_feed name="Tennis" generated_at="2009-01-09T14:34:39+00:00" version="1.0">
  <tournament name="Roland Garros 2007" surface="Clay" id="5515" type="Grand Slam"
   tournament_class="French Open" tournament_class_id="31">
    <competition sex="Mens" name="Mens Singles" id="5346">
      <round number="6" name="Semi Finals" id="27801">
        <match start_time="2007-06-08T12:00:00+01:00" status="Finished" court="" id="209970">
          <first_entry draw_position="1" seed_position="1" id="213887">
            <player first_name="Roger" display_name="Roger Federer" initials=""
             last_name="Federer" id="3"/>
          <second_entry draw_position="33" seed_position="4" id="213919">
            <player first_name="Nikolay" display_name="Nikolay Davydenko" initials=""
             last_name="Davydenko" id="6"/>
          <score winning_entry_id="213887" current_server_id="" number_of_sets="5" result_type="Win">
            <set winning_entry_id="213887" first_entry_games="7" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
             number="1" second_entry_games="5" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
            <set winning_entry_id="213887" first_entry_games="7" first_entry_tie_break_score="7"
             number="2" second_entry_games="6" second_entry_tie_break_score="5"/>
            <set winning_entry_id="213887" first_entry_games="7" first_entry_tie_break_score="9"
             number="3" second_entry_games="6" second_entry_tie_break_score="7"/>

Match games service

This service provides all the data available via the match service, as well as details of the game-by-game score progression, where this data is available.

The XML format is the same as that used by the match service, except that within each set element, there may be one or more game elements. The winning_entry_id attribute of each game element refers to the entry ID of the winner of that game. If the winner of the game is unknown, this attribute will be empty.

When the first_entry_tie_break_score and second_entry_tie_break_score attributes within the enclosing set element are not blank (indicating that this set was won by a tie-break), the last game listed will refer to the winner of the tie-break.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<abelsoninfo_feed generated_at="2012-03-21T15:32:26+00:00" version="1.0" name="Tennis">
  <tournament type="ATP World Tour 250 / WTA Premier" start_time="2012-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" end_date="2012-01-08" location="Brisbane, Australia" tournament_class_id="7" tournament_class="Brisbane" name="Brisbane International" surface="Hard" id="7550">
    <competition type="Singles" sex="Mens" name="Mens Singles" id="7546">
      <round name="1st Round" id="39068" number="1">
        <match status="Finished" start_time="2012-01-01T02:10:00+00:00" court="Pat Rafter Arena" id="298967">
          <first_entry seed_position="" draw_position="29" id="310058">
            <player first_name="James" last_name="Duckworth" display_name="James Duckworth" nationality="AUS" id="34407" initials=""/>
          <second_entry seed_position="" draw_position="30" id="310059">
            <player first_name="Nicolas" last_name="Mahut" display_name="Nicolas Mahut" nationality="FRA" id="112" initials=""/>
          <score winning_entry_id="310058" result_type="Win" current_server_id="" number_of_sets="3">
            <set winning_entry_id="310058" first_entry_tie_break_score="" second_entry_tie_break_score="" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="4" number="1">
              <game winning_entry_id="310059" number="1"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310059" number="2"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310059" number="3"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="4"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310059" number="5"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="6"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="7"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="8"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="9"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="10"/>
            <set winning_entry_id="310058" first_entry_tie_break_score="" second_entry_tie_break_score="" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="4" number="2">
              <game winning_entry_id="310059" number="1"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="2"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310059" number="3"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="4"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310059" number="5"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="6"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="7"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310059" number="8"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="9"/>
              <game winning_entry_id="310058" number="10"/>

Match preview service

This service provides player statistics, recent form data and head-to-head data for a particular match.

Match preview data is only available for singles matches that have not finished. Calling the match preview service action for a completed match or a doubles match will return an HTTP 404 error.

Within the top-level match element, there are first_entry and second_entry elements which contain one player element. When no entrant has qualified for a place in a match, no corresponding entry element will appear. For example, before the second semi-final in a competition had been completed, no second_entry element would appear for the final.

The stats element within the player element contains statistics relevant to the player in question.

The recent_form element contains historical match data for the last 20 games the player in question has taken part in. The data for each match is represented by an XML structure very similar to the one used by the match service:

The number_of_sets attribute of the score element indicates the maximum possible number of sets in the match. This value will always be 3 or 5.

The winning_entry_id attribute of the score element refers to the entry ID of the winner of the match. This attribute will be blank when the match is not yet complete.

The result_type attribute of the score element indicates the type of result that occurred (see Enumerated attributes).

The winning_entry_id attribute of the set element refers to the entry ID of the winner of the set.

The first_entry_tie_break_score and second_entry_tie_break_score attributes of the set element indicate the tie break scores for each entry. These attributes will be blank unless a tie break took place in the set.

The head_to_head element contains data structured in the same way as that in the recent_form elements, but only for matches between the two players taking part in this match. If the identity of one or more of the players is not yet known, this element will not appear. All historical matches between the two players will appear in the head_to_head element.

Example XML

Some data has been removed from this example to save space.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<abelsoninfo_feed version="1.0" generated_at="2009-11-20T14:46:22+00:00" name="Tennis">
  <match status="Not Started" court="" start_time="2009-11-22T10:00:00+00:00" id="275063">
    <first_entry draw_position="7" id="284033" seed_position="">
      <player first_name="Nikolay" display_name="Nikolay Davydenko"
        last_name="Davydenko" id="6" initials="">
          <height unit="cm">177</height>
          <weight unit="kg">70</weight>
          <tournament surface="Hard" name="BNP Paribas Masters" id="6783"
           tournament_class="Paris Masters" tournament_class_id="312">
            <competition sex="Mens" name="Mens Singles" id="6711">
              <round number="3" name="3rd Round">
                <match date="2009-11-12" id="274886">
                  <first_entry draw_position="33" id="283797" seed_position="6">
                    <player first_name="Nikolay" display_name="Nikolay Davydenko"
                      last_name="Davydenko" id="6" initials=""/>
                  <second_entry draw_position="40" id="283802" seed_position="9">
                    <player first_name="Robin" display_name="Robin Soderling"
                      last_name="Soderling" id="29" initials=""/>
                  <score number_of_sets="3" winning_entry_id="283802" result_type="Win">
                    <set number="1" first_entry_games="3" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283802" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="2" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="3" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283797" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="3" first_entry_games="4" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283802" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
              <round number="2" name="2nd Round">
                <match date="2009-11-10" id="274874">
                  <first_entry draw_position="33" id="283797" seed_position="6">
                    <player first_name="Nikolay" display_name="Nikolay Davydenko"
                      last_name="Davydenko" id="6" initials=""/>
                  <second_entry draw_position="36" id="283799" seed_position="">
                    <player first_name="Benjamin" display_name="Benjamin Becker"
                      last_name="Becker" id="46" initials=""/>
                  <score number_of_sets="3" winning_entry_id="283797" result_type="Win">
                    <set number="1" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="2" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283797" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="2" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="1" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283797" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
    <second_entry draw_position="8" id="284034" seed_position="">
      <player first_name="Robin" display_name="Robin Soderling"
        last_name="Soderling" id="29" initials="">
          <height unit="cm">190</height>
          <weight unit="kg">81</weight>
          <tournament surface="Hard" name="BNP Paribas Masters" id="6783"
           tournament_class="Paris Masters" tournament_class_id="312">
            <competition sex="Mens" name="Mens Singles" id="6711">
              <round number="4" name="Quarter-final">
                <match date="2009-11-13" id="274892">
                  <first_entry draw_position="40" id="283802" seed_position="9">
                    <player first_name="Robin" display_name="Robin Soderling"
                      last_name="Soderling" id="29" initials=""/>
                  <second_entry draw_position="48" id="283807" seed_position="3">
                    <player first_name="Novak" display_name="Novak Djokovic"
                      last_name="Djokovic" id="7" initials=""/>
                  <score number_of_sets="3" winning_entry_id="283807" result_type="Win">
                    <set number="1" first_entry_games="4" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283807" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="2" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="1" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283802" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="3" first_entry_games="3" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283807" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
              <round number="3" name="3rd Round">
                <match date="2009-11-12" id="274886">
                  <first_entry draw_position="33" id="283797" seed_position="6">
                    <player first_name="Nikolay" display_name="Nikolay Davydenko"
                      last_name="Davydenko" id="6" initials=""/>
                  <second_entry draw_position="40" id="283802" seed_position="9">
                    <player first_name="Robin" display_name="Robin Soderling"
                      last_name="Soderling" id="29" initials=""/>
                  <score number_of_sets="3" winning_entry_id="283802" result_type="Win">
                    <set number="1" first_entry_games="3" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283802" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="2" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="3" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283797" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="3" first_entry_games="4" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="283802" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
          <tournament surface="Hard" name="Malaysian Open" id="6957"
           tournament_class="Kuala Lumpur" tournament_class_id="313">
            <competition sex="Mens" name="Mens Singles" id="6694">
              <round number="5" name="Quarter-final">
                <match date="2009-09-10" id="272698">
                  <first_entry draw_position="1" id="281073" seed_position="1">
                    <player first_name="Roger" display_name="Roger Federer"
                      last_name="Federer" id="3" initials=""/>
                  <second_entry draw_position="17" id="281088" seed_position="12">
                    <player first_name="Robin" display_name="Robin Soderling"
                      last_name="Soderling" id="29" initials=""/>
                  <score number_of_sets="5" winning_entry_id="281073" result_type="Win">
                    <set number="1" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="0" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="281073" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="2" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="3" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="281073" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="3" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="7" first_entry_tie_break_score="6"
                      winning_entry_id="281088" second_entry_tie_break_score="8"/>
                    <set number="4" first_entry_games="7" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score="8"
                      winning_entry_id="281073" second_entry_tie_break_score="6"/>
              <round number="4" name="4th Round">
                <match date="2009-09-07" id="272691">
                  <first_entry draw_position="17" id="281088" seed_position="12">
                    <player first_name="Robin" display_name="Robin Soderling"
                      last_name="Soderling" id="29" initials=""/>
                  <second_entry draw_position="32" id="281100" seed_position="8">
                    <player first_name="Nikolay" display_name="Nikolay Davydenko"
                      last_name="Davydenko" id="6" initials=""/>
                  <score number_of_sets="5" winning_entry_id="281088" result_type="Retired">
                    <set number="1" first_entry_games="7" second_entry_games="5" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="281088" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="2" first_entry_games="3" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="281100" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                    <set number="3" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="2" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                      winning_entry_id="281088" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
      <tournament surface="Hard" name="BNP Paribas Masters" id="6783"
       tournament_class="Paris Masters" tournament_class_id="312">
        <competition sex="Mens" name="Mens Singles" id="6711">
          <round number="3" name="3rd Round">
            <match date="2009-11-12" id="274886">
              <first_entry draw_position="33" id="283797" seed_position="6">
                <player first_name="Nikolay" display_name="Nikolay Davydenko"
                  last_name="Davydenko" id="6" initials=""/>
              <second_entry draw_position="40" id="283802" seed_position="9">
                <player first_name="Robin" display_name="Robin Soderling"
                  last_name="Soderling" id="29" initials=""/>
              <score number_of_sets="3" winning_entry_id="283802" result_type="Win">
                <set number="1" first_entry_games="3" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                  winning_entry_id="283802" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                <set number="2" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="3" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                  winning_entry_id="283797" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                <set number="3" first_entry_games="4" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                  winning_entry_id="283802" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
      <tournament surface="Hard" name="Malaysian Open" id="6957"
       tournament_class="Kuala Lumpur" tournament_class_id="313">
        <competition sex="Mens" name="Mens Singles" id="6886">
          <round number="4" name="Semi-final">
            <match date="2009-10-03" id="273488">
              <first_entry draw_position="1" id="282076" seed_position="1">
                <player first_name="Nikolay" display_name="Nikolay Davydenko"
                  last_name="Davydenko" id="6" initials=""/>
              <second_entry draw_position="9" id="282083" seed_position="3">
                <player first_name="Robin" display_name="Robin Soderling"
                  last_name="Soderling" id="29" initials=""/>
              <score number_of_sets="3" winning_entry_id="282076" result_type="Win">
                <set number="1" first_entry_games="1" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                  winning_entry_id="282083" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>
                <set number="2" first_entry_games="7" second_entry_games="6" first_entry_tie_break_score="7"
                  winning_entry_id="282076" second_entry_tie_break_score="1"/>
                <set number="3" first_entry_games="6" second_entry_games="2" first_entry_tie_break_score=""
                  winning_entry_id="282076" second_entry_tie_break_score=""/>

Rankings service

This service provides singles rankings data for the ATP and WTA tours.

The date attribute of the rankings element indicates the date on which the rankings information was released. Rankings for both the ATP and WTA tours are typically updated weekly on Mondays.

The rank attribute of each ranking element indicates the ranking of the player represented by the nested player element.

The points attribute of each ranking element indicates the number of ranking points the player has accumulated.

Example XML

<abelsoninfo_feed generated_at="2010-07-21T16:12:34+01:00" version="1.0" name="Tennis">
  <rankings date="2010-01-01">
    <ranking rank="1" points="10745">
      <player initials="" first_name="Rafael" last_name="Nadal" display_name="Rafael Nadal" id="1"/>

Enumerated attributes

Some attributes within the feed have enumerated values which are listed here for reference.

Attribute name Possible values
sex Mens, Womens, Mixed
surface Grass, Clay, Hard, Carpet
status Not Started, In Play, Finished
result_type Win, Retired, Walkover, Bye, Defaulted

Tournament Types

This section describes all the possible values which may appear within the type attribute of the tournament element.

Current Types

These tournament types used for current or future tournaments. Please note that new tournament types may be added in future.

ATP Challenger
ATP World Tour 250 / WTA International
ATP World Tour 250 / WTA Premier
ATP World Tour 250
ATP World Tour 500 / WTA International
ATP World Tour 500 / WTA Premier
ATP World Tour 500
ATP World Tour Finals
ATP World Tour Masters 1000 / WTA Premier
ATP World Tour Masters 1000
Davis Cup
Fed Cup
Grand Slam
Laver Cup
Season-Ending Championships
WTA 125s
WTA International
WTA Premier

Historical Types

These tournament types are only used for historical data and are not used for current or future tournaments.

ATP Grand Prix
ATP International Series / WTA Tier I
ATP International Series / WTA Tier II
ATP International Series / WTA Tier III
ATP International Series / WTA Tier IV
ATP International Series Gold / WTA Tier III
ATP International Series Gold
ATP International Series
ATP Masters Series / WTA Tier I
ATP Masters Series
Grand Slam Cup
Hopman Cup
WTA Tier I
WTA Tier V
World Team Cup